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# Adding the Clarion to an Existing Project

If you already have build pipeline for your front-end code, but want to take advantage of the Clarion Style Architecture or Framework, adding Clarion to your project is a cinch.


If you don't have a build pipeline for your code, feel free to create an new project using the Clarion CLI and pull over what you would like.

# Adding Clarion Using the CLI

  1. In your terminal or command-line tool, navigate to the directory where you would like to add Clarion


When using the Clarion CLI to add and remove files and directories, it will look in th /src directory by default. If you add your styles to a different directory (another common place is the /assets directory), you can configure Clarion to use a specified directory.

  1. Run the command clarion new
  2. Select Manual Configuration
  3. If you would like the Architecture and Style Framework select Styles Only, otherwise select Architecture Only
  4. Select the format you would like your styles to be in (for this demo I will choose SCSS)

You should now see a new directory based on your style format (in this case called /scss).

# Adding You New Styles to your Build Pipeline

Different build tools handle preprocessors differently so make sure you consult the documentation on how to incorporate them into your build pipeline. If you are using a tool like webpack, incorporating them into your project may be as easy as adding importing the main manifest to your main script file (some additional set up may be required).

If you are using a framework like Vue.js or React, they have made it very simple to add a your styles to the project pipeline. Again, consult the documentation for additional information and support.

# Configuring Your Project for the Clarion CLI


As stated above, if you added your styles to the /src directory, you do not have to do this step.

For this example, let's say the the styles are in the /assets directory. To up date the configuration:

  1. In your terminal or command-line tool navigate to the root of your project.
  2. Run the command clarion config
  3. You will be prompted with What is the path to your styles directory?
  4. Type ./assets
  5. Feel free to update the values with your project's configuration or just press enter to use the default values.

At the root of your project you should now see a new file named clarion-config.json. The contents are fairly simple:

	"paths": {
		"styles": "./assets"
	"format": {
		"styles": "scss"
	"addToManifest": true,
	"importAbstracts": true

If you would like to manually update these values rather than using the CLI, you should be able to without any problems.


For more information on configuring your project, check out the official documentation.