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# String Functions

The string functions were implemented to handle the negative values being passed to the spacing() function, but are available to help you write your own functions and mixins.

# Replace

The str-replace() function is designed to find a substring in a string a replace it with another value. The function take three parameters: the original value, the value to look for, and the value to replace it with.

# Example

$prefix-color: 'dark-primary';
$color: str-replace($prefix-color, 'dark-', '');
// $color is 'primary'

$color-2: str-replace($prefix-color, 'primary', 'light');
// $color-2 is 'dark-light'

# Ends With

The str-ends-with() function determines whether a string ends with the characters of a specified string and returns true if the string ends with the characters, and false if not. The function takes two parameters: the first is the string that you want validate and the second is the string to search for.

# Example

$prefix-color: 'dark-primary';
$is-primary: str-ends-with($prefix-color, 'primary');
// $is-primary is true

# Contains

The str-contains() function determines whether a string contains the characters of a specified string and returns true if the string contains the characters, and false if not. The function takes two parameters: the first is the string that you want validate and the second is the string to search for.

# Example

$prefix-color: 'dark-primary';
$has-dash: str-contains($prefix-color, '-');
// $has-dash is true