[object Object]

# Z-Index Mixin

The default behavior for most developers is to set the z-index to 99999 so that whatever <div> you're working on will be on top. If that doesn't work, continue to add a 9 to the end until you get the desired result. (Please, don't do that!) Instead of "hacking" your way to a horrible developer experience, used predefined, meaningful z-indexes.

# Setup

This mixin will pull the values based on the $z-indexes variable in the _variables.scss file at the root of the /00_Abstracts directory.

# Usage

Using the mixin is fairly straight forward:

.modal {
    @include z-index(xl);

Which will result in:

.modal {
    z-index: 500;

# !important

The mixin also takes in a second parameter - $important - for setting the !important property.

.modal {
    @include z-index(xl, true);

Which will result in:

.modal {
    z-index: 500 !important;